Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's NIAW - National Infertility Awareness Week!

Holy cow, they've moved our week! Yes, our week. The one week out of the year where we can stand united and make one gianormous announcement so that everyone will know just how many women, men and families are affected by this. RESOLVE reports the grand total is somewhere around 7.3 million Americans - not counting the other gazillion in the rest of the world.

Why is it important to spread the word?
Personally, in the future my hope is that other women will be more aware and proactive with reproductive health, supported and understood more by their friends and family and, here in the U.S., that legislators take notice and eventually pass a federally-mandated infertility insurance coverage option law.

This week used to occur in the fall every year, but it seems as though this was a conscious decision made to also help support women who are struggling with trying to become a mother, right around Mother's Day - a difficult holiday where we fertile-challenged women are reminded of another year with no baby. It's also a great way for everyone to keep in mind that while it's certainly a time to be thankful for our moms, it's also a time to reflect on how much it really means to be a mom and that not everyone is so fortunate. Something this precious shouldn't be taken for granted - ever.

Thanks to Melissa Ford's post at Blogher, author of the very popular infertility and pregnancy loss blog, Stirrup Queens and Sperm Palace Jesters, for talking about the NIAW move and bringing it to our attention!

FREE TeleSeminars through May 2
One last thing worth noting, and I wish I would have caught this sooner since there are only a few days left to take advantage of it, but RESOLVE is offering FREE TeleSeminars on various infertility topics through the remainder of NIAW (May 2). Check out their list of topics to see if anything interests you!

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Clare April 29, 2009 at 2:30 PM  

I agree! Infertility is not discussed enough...there are so many pitfalls. We need to unite to bring more awareness and sensitivity to this issue!

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