Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What is Lupron and how is it used?

After reading about women using Lupron to suppress cysts, and then after hearing a doctor mention it in passing on a recent online radio show I tuned into (see two posts ago about PCOS and Infertility), it make me wonder what the heck Lupron even is and how it's used in infertility.

From what I've gathered thus far, it seems like Lupron is used in a few different ways: to treat of endometriosis, used prior to IVF and combined with other infertility meds. My only concern with it is that, as drugs.com reads, the "FDA pregnancy category X. This medication can cause birth defects. Do not use Lupron if you are pregnant."

In any case, here are some more links I found regarding Lupron and it's use in infertility.

Here is a general overview of what Lupron is, how it's often used and common side-effects:

Here is one doctor's take on Lupron:

Some posts:

Personal Infertility Story:
I met one woman through soulcysters.net (a PCOS forum) who shared her experience with me..."I had been seen by another RE for years (TTC for years total). I did 6 cycles of Clomid up to 250mg and 3 cycles of Bravelle (no Lupron). None of which ever even got having mature follies without overstimming. I never even got to trigger with any other cycle before. I just started seeing this new RE in July. DH and I reloacted to another state due to him being military. First cycle with this new RE on this protocol resulted in my BFP. So I am a firm beleiver in this Lupron protocol."

Here is the Lupron protocol she is referring to:
9/2008-Hysteroscopy~Removed large fibroid & polyps & D&C
10/4-Started Lupron 10u
10/13-Follistim 150u started, Lupron decreased 5u
10/21-Follistim increased to 200u
10/28-Follie U/S~6 follies 13-16mm
10/31-Follie U/S 20 & 18mm follie~TRIGGERED!!! BD TIME!!
11/17-Beta 128!
11/19-Beta 298
Baby Dust and Lots of Prayers!!

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